Weekend Wanderings

This weekend is the more or less official beginning of summer, even though the season itself doesn’t begin until June. Here in the United States, there will be parades, picnics, and ceremonies remembering those who have fought and died in the service of their country. School children across the country, along with their teachers, eagerly await the end of the school year.

Enough small talk. Here are the links:

Good article from Jack Levison.
Interesting problem for the U.S. government.
You never know. This might work.
I think this might be carrying celebrity worship a bit too far.
Boz Tchividjian is grieving.

John Frye begins a review of The Story of God Bible Commentary: The Sermon on the Mount.
10 foreign films worth watching.
The cross challenge.
The wrong way to approach the poor.
Is education for life or ideas?

A church that imagines a flourishing community.
“Christian” individualism.
Seven states are running out of water.
Josh Ross on scars and stories.
The Hokey Pokey.

Maybe this is why he was excommunicated.
There’s a series on good works over at the internet monk. Part 1 is here.
I think this is going a bit too far. Quite a bit.
Carolina BBQ! Part 1. Part 2.
I guess you’ve seen the Sprint commercials. Does anyone know what it is the ad agency people were smoking?

Have a wonderful Memorial Day weekend and a blessed week!

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