Weekend Wanderings

The weekend links post is back after a week off. We had a wonderful time out in California for our daughter’s wedding. Thanks for asking. It has become Fall here in the sunny South. The temperatures are cooler and it’s almost time to go to a few of the many festivals that are held this time of year.

Here are some of the good links for the week:

Good post from Kansas Bob.
Interesting. What do you think?
A good piece of satire.
Good post on domestic violence.
You know you want to do this.

I guess you can’t be happy in Iran.
Looks like an interesting book.
Getting it right.
I never thought of this.
Becoming a realist.

A force more powerful.
Good words from Steve Brown.
Cautionary tales from Mars Hill.
Gathering, going, and….

Golden rule, narrow gate.
Making great art.
Sugar or fat?
Rich Little on certainty.

Have a blessed week!

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