Weekend Wanderings

This is the last weekend in May. Some schools are out, some will go into the middle of June, and the annual debate about year round schools will commence. I don’t see any wholesale chamnges because there are too many people with a vested interest in the summer break. But, that’s just my opinion. It is beautiful here in then sunny South, but they say that the hot, humid days are coming. Tuesday is the first day of hurricane season and we have already seen one named storm on the East coast.

Enough small talk. On to the good stuff:

Kellie McGann says change is possible.
Aaron Cline Hanbury says you should read Chesterton.
When your dreams don’t work out.
He’s baaaack.
Here’s a good story.

The benefits of nature.
Do you think they’ll take him up on this offer?
Somehow this doesn’t surprise me.
Some folks will do anything.

Yep. Bacon.
 But evidently not for Ben & Jerry’s.
Christian T-shirts, etc.
3 chains.
Scot McKnight on sloth.

Charlie Marquez on our glitch.
This is a good thing.
Good post from Dan Edelen.
Thoughtful post from Zack Hunt.
Memorial Day meditation.

Have a blessed first week of June!

2 Replies to “Weekend Wanderings”

  1. Interesting thoughts about changes in the school year affected by special interests. Would love to see you write about that Fred.

    And thanks for the Bacon link. ツ

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