Weekend Wanderings

Happy first weekend of June! This has been a busy week but I was able to put together a few links for your viewing pleasure. Next weekend, Jan and I are heading to New York City for a week so the wanderings will take a couple weeks off. In the meantime, enjoy these slices of the internet:

Very good post from Michael Spencer.
Interesting post from Scot McKnight.
Trinity Sunday post from Chaplain Mike.
Thoughtful post from Lisa Dye.
Thought provoking post from Mike Erich.

A Christian response to Caitlyn Jenner.
The Jesus slingshot. Yep.
Again, really?
Stage two exile.

This is bad.
This is a sad state of affairs.
P. T. Barnum was right.
Michael Hidalgo on judging.
Sin boldly?

Beggar to beggar.
The big reveal.
Life after retirement.
Again, wow.

Have a blessed couple of weeks!

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