Weekend Wanderings

Welcome to July! It has been pretty warm here in the sunny South here the past couple of weeks , although the temperatures have moderated a bit over the last three days. Next week they are predicting highs near triple digits. I am thankful for air conditioning. Does anyone remember the days before central AC and AC in cars? I do. It seems like the message of grace and forgiveness that was proclaimed by the survivors of the Charleston 9 has been quickly forgotten as people on both sides are showing what really amounts to hate. This weekend the kkk (and yes I put it in lower case on purpose) is having a rally at the SC statehouse. A lot of folks are saying everyone, including the media, should just stay away and not give the tantrum any attention. I think I agree.

On to the links:

10 reasons for pastors to avoid politics
Ahh, memories.
The smell of rain.
Gifts of the Puritans.

This could be interesting.
This. Just because.
God’s favor? Really?
This is good.
Chaplain Mike takes another look.

Steve Brown on freedom.
John Frye on comfort.
Oh, good gracious!
I think I’ll see if our town will put this in place.
Daniel Jepsen on grace.

Pretty cool tattoos.
Good post from Frank Viola.
Four reasons for contextualizing.
Good book review by Scot McKnight.
Great question!

Have a blessed week!

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