Weekend Wanderings

The last two weekends have been extremely busy, so the links post took some time off. It is cooling down here in the sunny South and fall has arrived. Last weekend’s rain put much of our state under water and there are a lot people who lost everything. Dams have been damaged and there is more water coming from the mountains, so the devastation may become worse. Pray for those folks.

On to the links:
A heartwarming story.
Bacon. ‘Nuff said.
Maybe they were wrong.
And then, there’s coffee.
The blessing of belonging.

Living the thug life in Oregon.
Don’t waste that food!
Good post from John Frye.
Irony obsession.
Come home.

Guilt hangover.
Getting ready for the end of the world.
Art critics.
The Withertongue Emails: Part 1.
Don’t think this is a good thing.

Drinking games.
Halloween do’s and don’ts.
Good post from Jeff K. Clarke.
Sounds like an excuse to me.

Have a blessed week!

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