Weekend Wanderings

It’s the first weekend in November. The leaves are changing and dropping to the ground. Christmas decorations are popping up on houses and in stores. I think it’s too early, but no one is asking my opinion. Our little town was in the national news last night. The Democratic presidential candidate forum was held at Winthrop University, here in Rock Hill. I didn’t watch the forum, as we were spending the evening with a few friends.

On to the links:

Good post from Karina Kreminski.
The deeper message of Charlie Brown.
This is pretty interesting.
Answering the phone.
A guide to evangelical lingo, Part 1.

Good post from Chaplain Mike.
The irreplaceable Father.
Spellbooking the Bible.
Singing lies in church?
Instagramming the sin of omission.

DIY spirituality.
A guide to colloquialisms.
Identity and reinvention.
Good post from Keith Giles.
Waiting on God.

Zack Hunt on football and prayer.
The challenge of culture.
Missing piece.
The unknown sea.

Have a blessed week!

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