Weekend Wanderings

Thanksgiving day has come and gone. We had a wonderful time celebrating with some dear friends. We skipped the madness of Black Friday and now it is the weekend again. With all the stuff that is going on around the world, it’s hard to pick one thing to talk about. It seems we are getting more polarized here in the United States and few seem to even want a solution. Hopefully, cooler heads will prevail.

Anyway, on to the good stuff:

This is a good story.
Good for him!
Good article on family dinners.
Banning the Lord’s Prayer?
Not one of our better exports.

Good post from John Frye.
I am thankful for this church as well.
Laugh! It’s good for you.
To the crazy ones.
This is good!

Chad West wants to be distracted.
When it’s hard to be thankful.
This is interesting.
They just go together.
I’m glad this is happening.

Preparing for a new church year.
Giving forgiveness.
The ones Jesus loves.
Dead end.
Go marveling.

Have a blessed week!

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