Weekend Wanderings

The first two weeks of December are in the books. The big news was another mass shooting, this one evidently the work of Islamic terrorists. I don’t know if stricter gun control laws would have prevented this, although I do believe some way needs to be figured out to keep massive arsenals out of the hands of certain people.

Here is the good stuff:

Who knew pillow fights could be so dangerous?
There seems to be a shortage of chefs.
The first Black Friday.
Good Advent post.
Just coffee?

The gift of identity.
Good question.
Some things are meant to be not shared.
Good story.
Learning from failure.

The cult of likability.
A good story about a program that is helping.
This is probably not a good thing.
An article in favor of proselytizing.
Rules, rules, rules.

Mallory Ortberg on Charlotte Bronte.
Jeff Clarke on God’s love.
CJ Green on the cycle.
Donavon Riley says sin is boring.
Jonathan Algner on the liturgical calendar.

Have a blessed week!

One Reply to “Weekend Wanderings”

  1. I so agree about massive arsenals Fred. Unfortunately some have a different view in that they feel that any restriction is a restriction on the 2nd amendment.

    Have a great week!

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