Weekend Wanderings

It’s Valentines Day weekend here in the sunny South. I guess it is in the rest of the country as well. Do people celebrate Valentines Day in other countries, or is that strictly an American thing. In a few days South Carolina Republicans get to decide which candidates they send home. Does anyone have the sense that there might be a convention fight over the nominee, or is it just me. The convention just might be interesting this year.

On to the links:

Good article on romance.
Good post from John Frye.
Good story from Mike Erich.
Thought provoking post from Keith Giles.
Listening to people in pain. (HT: Bob Edwards)

Nine facts about the Sistine Chapel.
Five facts about Mardi Gras.
Kingdom come.
Chad West on controllers.
Interesting post by Benjamin Corey.

New post from Reverend Beard.
Steve Brown says we have a reason to celebrate.
Love, for cynics.
Chaplain Mike on Lent and love.
The lost art of abiding.

For me, grace. For you, …
Andrew Petiprin on beauty.
Interesting article on Henry VIII.
Lucy Peppiatt on headship.

Have a blessed week!

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