Weekend Wanderings

It’s the weekend when the college basketball season comes to an end. The NCAA men’s champion will be crowned Monday night, while the women’s champion will be decided Tuesday. Then the waiting for October begins. Sure, there are other sports, but none that match the excitement of college basketball. You, of course, are entitled to disagree. We’ll still be friends.

Enough small talk. On to the links:

Are you street smart?
This is still a problem.
Before the war.
Are you repentant enough?
April Fools’ Day poem.

Mr. Rogers the radical?
New political poll. (Note the date)
Easter politics.
Interesting post.

Funny post.
Muscles and aging.
Good post from Chaplain Mike.
Money back guarantee? Really?
Mike Erich on forgiveness.

Bob Edwards’ thoughts on Christianese.
Christmas and Easter.
In between.
The season of Easter.
Encouraging post from Dan Edelen.

Have a blessed week!

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