Weekend Wanderings

Jan and I spent the last two weekends visiting our son and daughter-in-law in Seattle. Our daughter came up from California for part of the time, and we were able to spend a couple days with Jan’s sister. We had a wonderful time. It definitely was cooler there than here in the sunny South.

Where have all the Christian intellectuals gone?
Jeremy Myers on Biblical illiteracy.
Good article from Michelle Van Loon.
Having good discussions.
Good essay on nostalgia.

In defense of play.
Funny article from McSweeney’s.
How to be happy at work.

Boasting in weakness.
Being a peacemaker.
Knowing we are Christians by…
Surviving a crisis.

Good article from iMonk.
Scot McKnight on Kingdom mission.
Good post from Jonathan Merritt.
Daniel Wells on church refugees.

Have a blessed week!

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