Weekend Wanderings

Today we commemorate a day of tragedy. Fifteen years ago, our country came under attack as planes flew into the twin towers in NY, the Pentagon in DC, and a field in PA. Where were you when you heard the news?

Here are the links of the week:

One of those days we’ve all had.
An epidemic we don’t often think about.
Something for the introverts.
Ten tastiest fast foods.

Good question.
A free bowl of oatmeal.
This is a great story.
This is not surprising.
This looks like a great idea!

Bob Edwards on justice.
Ten observations.
It’s okay to be wrong.
Scot McKnight on charity.
The life God is in.

Frank Viola on faith.
Letters from the front.
5 smartphone myths.
Good post from Tiffany Childs.

Have a blessed week!

2 Replies to “Weekend Wanderings”

  1. Thanks for the link Fred.

    I was sitting in a bagel shop close to my home when the WTC was attacked. I drove home and saw the towers fall.

    What were you doing that morning?

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