Weekend Wanderings

Fall has come on us here in the sunny South. The weather is cooler and the leaves are beginning to change color. The campaign ad season is almost over. Someone will be elected President. But, Jesus is still King. I think it would be good if his followers kept that in mind.

On to the good stuff:

Bonnie Petroschuk on fear.
Good post from Daniel Darling.
Listening to Dylan.
Good article on a controversial subject.

Good question.
Faithful and fit.
Good ideas for post-election healing.
Good post from John Frye.
Election revelations.

Life is more.
Good post from Bob Edwards.
Steve Brown on freedom.
Fred Smith asks a question.
Jared Wilson on loving our neighbor.

Letter to Jesus.
Political Christianity.
Provocative post from Keith Giles.
No disclaimers.

Have a blessed week!

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