Weekend Wanderings

It’s March. That means wind, possible hard freezes, and a certain basketball tournament. Here in the sunny South, we are dealing with an early influx of pollen and the resulting allergies. This was a good weekend to get out and work in the yard.

Enough small talk. On to the real reason you’re here.

No strings attached.
Facts, schmacts.
This is, uh, interesting.
Crying heresy.
Here’s a funny article.

Carnival around the world.
Magical thinking.
Saving Christianity?
Lent around the world.

The RV bandit.
Here are some excellent photographs.
This is just a bit odd.
Any excuse for a party.
Fixing the world?

Good post from Bob Edwards.
Lent sermon.
Keith Giles responds to critics.
Lent with Neil Young.
Scot McKnight on angels.

Have a blessed week!

One Reply to “Weekend Wanderings”

  1. I am behind in my blog reading Fred. Thanks for the link. Been coldish in KC but it is warming up today through the weekend! And that is making me happy. :

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