Weekend Wanderings

It’s heating up a bit here in the sunny South. The last couple of days we’ve been going around our county and the county directly south of us to visit different farms and see some art and crafts. It’s called the Ag & Art Tour and this year it has been expanded to eleven counties throughout the month of June. Today, I ate some peach ice cream in a waffle cone, so summer is officially here. We hope to do a little bit of traveling this summer, and see some friends that we haven’t seen in a while.

Here are the links for the week, specially curated for your reading pleasure:

Erring and admitting it
Another Dust Bowl?
Beware the fearmonger.
Moving in with  prophet.
Once in a lifetime.

Keith Giles on love.
I don’t think I’m brave enough to ride one of these.
Jared C. Wilson on dying.
Senate Intelligence Committee and Hamlet.
Help for social media users.

Now for some fake news!
Prayer and grace.
Good questions.
Good post from Chaplain Mike.

Have a blessed week!

2 Replies to “Weekend Wanderings”

  1. Not summer yet and it is already in the 90s in KC. Ugh. LOL, maybe the summer will be cooler?

    Thanks for the link Fred. Have a grear weekend!

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