Weekend Wanderings

Our little town here in the sunny South is filled with folks from various countries around the world. We are hosting the BMX World Championships. There was a kickoff celebration downtown last night and our artists group opened a show with a bike theme. Fun times. In other news, our grandson is one month old and growing like a weed. I’ll leave the unimportant stuff like politics to those of you who like that sort of thing.

Here are the links:

A theology of play.
Funny wildlife photos.
Good story.
How do you say it?
What not to play at a wedding.

100 greatest movie props.
Not sure this is a good thing.
The path of the cross.
Perfect love.
In case you were wondering.

R.I.P Mike Erich.
Good question.
Good post from Keith Giles.
Good post on Eugene Peterson.

Partnering with uncertainty.
Christian ghosting.
Is there an optimal church size?
Fairy tale travel.

Have a blessed week!

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