Weekend Wanderings

It’s the weekend again! Sports fans love this time of year. The World Series is beginning, football is in full swing, both college and pro basketball are getting underway, and hockey season is starting. For those whose interest tends toward other pursuits, the second season of Stranger Things is on Netflix this coming weekend.

On to the links:

Praying after Vegas.
Challenging words from Charles E. Gutenson.
This would make for some interesting conversations.
Here’s something for those of you who want to celebrate the 500th anniversary of the Reformation.
This is good.

Being true to yourself.
Good article on the psychology of religion.
This is interesting.
Important read.
Go right ahead!

Are you sleeping enough?
Funny article from McSweeney’s
Brutally honest job titles.
Here we go again?
Don’t overthink!

Timely post from The Babylon Bee.
What if it’s really finished?
The politics of the Lamb.
The subversive kingdom.
Advice for entrepreneurs.

Have a blessed week!

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