Weeknd Wanderings

The days are getting longer and warmer here in the sunny South. We had dinner out on the back porch for the first time this year. We are awaiting the arrival of our first granddaughter. She is expected to make her arrival in the next couple of weeks.

On to the good stuff:

Good post from Nick Lannon.
Reading Paul with a southern drawl.
I don’t think so.
Can you trust anything anymore?
Puns. Just because.

Good photos.
Feeling pretty?
Church of Holy Saturday.
This is intriguing.
Dangerous grace.

Mowing the lawn.
The first of two good posts from Karl Vaters.
Second post.
Good post from Fred Smith.
So evidently, this is happening.

Since it is still Easter season, here is a good post.
Good question from Chris Williams.
Yeah, don’t do this.
For your next Cinco de Mayo party.
Some people won’t let you just enjoy a movie.

Gave a blessed week!

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