Weekend Wanderings

This weekend we celebrate Father’s Day. It’s a joyous day for some, while it is a day of sadness or even bitterness to others.I hope it is a day of joy for you. It’s the beginning of election season, as most states have had their primaries and it’s time for the real mud-slinging to begin. I’m pretty much to the point where the primaries of both major parties result in me knowing who I am not going to vote for in the fall.

That’s my political statement for the month. On to the real reason why you’re here:

Father’s Day meditation.
Who’s your Father?
Check out the iMonk Saturday Monks Brunch Father’s Day edition.
Thoughtful article from Emily Hunter McGowin.
Interview with David Brooks.

I think I’ll pass on this.
Funny photos.
Something for the soccer fans.
High school yearbook quotes.
Remember the marshmallow test?

For those who really like to eat. A lot.
You have to be careful around those things.
So, this was art?
You also have to be careful around these things.
Good question.

Good post from Fred Smith.
Mr. Rogers, revolutionary.
Good post from Bob Edwards.
Mike Glenn writes about a myth.
Good interview.

Have a blessed week!

2 Replies to “Weekend Wanderings”

  1. Eating KC BBQ today with the family Fred.

    Hope you are enjoying the day.

    My blog reading has been sparse so thanks so much for the link.

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