Weekend Wanderings

Summer is winding down here in the sunny South. It’s actually been a bit cooler here than normal. Football season is gearing up, and the major league baseball playoffs are getting closer. The silly season is upon us again, as politicians start pandering, er I mean jockeying for our votes.

On to the important stuff:

Grace never expires.
In case you’re thinking about deleting Facebook.
Slow learner.
Summer and eternity.
Good question.

Watch out for those extremist groups!
Interesting article.
The smell of rain.
Good article.
Good post from Bob Edwards. 

More than you ever knew about water.
A warning about warnings.
Good post from Sammy Rhodes.
Identity politics.

The boat in the backyard.
Karl Vaters asks better questions.
Jesus’ questions.
Ties that bind.
Believing in the prosperity gospel.

Have a blessed week!

One Reply to “Weekend Wanderings”

  1. Thanks so much for the link Fred. Sounds like your summer has been a good one.

    This past week we had a week of 'normal' KC Summer weather. They are predicting higher temps this week. Even so, I am enjoying the sun.

    Regarding sports. Ugh. Royals are have a really bad season. Maybe the Chiefs and their new QB will take the league by storm?

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