Weekend Wanderings

It’s a long weekend here in the sunny South, and I hope it is for you all as well. College football has kicked off the season, and the pros are getting ready to begin theirs. Political campaign signs are popping up like weeds, and we will soon be bombarded by media ads telling us why the other candidate is the scum of the earth.

On to better things:

Good post from Donavon Riley.
You don’t have to be good at everything.
I wouldn’t mess with this guy.
Now you know.
Back to school buying guide.

Good post from Steve Brown.
New book!
Taking things for granted.
Good question.
A Christian band?

What is worth fighting for?
Maybe. Maybe not.
Good post for Labor Day.
Having joy.

Good post from Fred Smith.
Someone celebrity pastors need to meet.
Bob Edwards has a good one.

Have a blessed week!

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