Weekend Wanderings

This is the time of year that sports fans have a number of games to choose from. There is professional and college football, baseball, and pro basketball. College basketball teams have begun to practice for the upcoming season. This year’s official political campaign season mercifully ends in about a month, although it doesn’t seem, that it really never ends these days.

On to the good stuff:

Serious article from McSweeney’s.
Don’t forget eternity.
Good post from Donavon Riley.
The dad joke.
This is a good story.

Lawnmower? Really?
Amy Hollingsworth remembers Mr. Rogers.
Sarah Condon on reconciliation.
This is interesting.
Free range kids.

A bit of a look back.
I think this is going a bit too far.
Be careful taking those selfies.
This is what happens when birds over indulge.
Little did they know.

What your snack says about you.
Thinking bigger.
Another approach to politics.
Less is more.
Good post by Fred Smith.

Have a blessed week!

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