Weekend Wanderings: Three Day Weekend Edition

This weekend, we here in the United States remember the sacrifices made by members of the military who have died, especially those who lost their lives due to war. It is also the beginning of the patriotic season in many American churches. I believe we should honor those who have died serving this country, whether or not the wars they fought in were “justified.” I do disagree with taking time out from a service (or the entire service) in which we are supposed to be focused on God and his kingdom, and putting the focus on a kingdom of this world. America is a great nation, and always been. But it is not the kingdom of God, and never will be.

It’s time to get down from my soapbox and give you the links:

Let’s kick the list off with a Memorial Day post.

One thing Jesus is not.

Playing dangerously.

Michael Card is obsessed.

Chaplain Mike has a vision.

The birds of Israel.

Something to think about if you fly this summer.

Good for him!

Think we need a little more of this?

Good boss.

This is sad.

A good reminder for us.

Don’t you hate when that happens?

This is interesting.

The Sunday Scaries.

Classic post from Michael Spencer.

Don’t hurry.

Good post from Fred Smith.

Words from Wendell Berry.

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