And So It Begins

This morning marked the first meeting of St. Thomas Community Church. We had 25 people and filled the room. Frank talked a bit about why we were there, and why we decided to start another church in Rock Hill. We aren’t doing this because Rock Hill needs another institution with “church” on the door. We do believe that our city needs more of the body of Christ, and needs for that body to get out and love others as Jesus did. We sang a song, spent some time in prayer, had the Lord’s Supper, and spent time hanging out and talking.

It’ll be interesting to see how the Father leads in the future. We have plans to do things beyond the Sunday morning time, so we’ll see what happens.

2 Replies to “And So It Begins”

  1. Trying in the midst of my chaos to keep up with reading here and there, so just now getting to this…

    Very happy for you! I'll be watching with interest. May God guide your steps…

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