This has been quite the week. Jan and I went to the beach for a couple of days, after learning that Jan is going to have to look for another job. We had a wonderful time, and it was good to get away from everything and everybody for awhile. After we came back, we officially left the congregation we have worshiped with for the past 14 years. Josh came home last night from his two month sojourn in California. On top of all that, yesterday’s post was number 200. Wooo hooot!

Anyway, here are the links of the week:

The real question is, what is Jesus doing? Ben MacKinnon reflects on faith. The God of the OT vs the God of the NT. Here is a good post on theme parks and wilderness. Alan Knox puts the ekklesia in context. Kingdom vs church. Just beyond the 100th time. iMonk riffs on post-evangelicalism.

Good post from Jeff McQ. Should a Christian use acupuncture? Scot McKnight continues his series titled, “Beginning with God,” with part 8. Mark Roberts begins a series on the Christian life (HT: Scot McKnight).

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