It’s been an interesting week here in the sunny South. We missed our second day of school due to “snow” and “ice”. I think we had maybe a half inch of ice on certain spots on the road, but it was all gone by the afternoon. It was a nice day off, but now we have to make up two days. That means no break from now until April. 🙁

Enjoy these links:

Jared Wilson quotes Ed Stetzer. Good thoughts from Bob Hyatt. Dan Edelen tells a tale of four churches, and Robbymac writes about guys and trucks. Is strategic planning a good thing for the church today? Is cinema the new cathedral? (HT: Jonathan Brink). Jonathan also asks how we can be faithful to scripture.

Jeff McQ writes about fences and wells. Do you want to be cool? Scot McKnight on Obama and God’s sovereignty. imonk writes about believing the Bible, and gives us a list of 25 things. Some might think this is shocking (HT: imonk). This is funny.

That’s it for this week. It’s going to be sunny and in the 60s here this weekend. I hope you enjoy your weekend.

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