Gone For Awhile

I’m sorry there was no TGIF on Friday. I was out of town for a few days and had very limited computer access.

On Friday, I was in Clarks Summit, PA for my 30th college reunion. I know, I don’t look that old.:) It was good to see a couple of classmates, but the highlight of the weekend was being there for the retirement celebration of the school’s former athletic director and basketball coach. Along with seeing him, I was able to spend time with my former soccer coach and my old track coach. These three men have had more influence on my life than anyone except my own father. They taught me how to see athletics, and all of life as a way to glorify God. This had a huge impact on the way I have approached coaching and teaching. I just hope that I have had a similar impact on some of the kids I’ve had the privilege of working with through the years. That afternoon, I walked across the soccer field; and since it was homecoming weekend I remembered back to when I was a senior and walked across that same field with my mom and dad. That brought a few tears.

Saturday, I drove to Baltimore and spent the night with some friends from The Ooze. We went duckpin bowling and had a blast! We were in an old building that had lanes on two floors. It’s the oldest continuously operating duckpin alley in the U.S. I hadn’t been duckpin bowling since I was a kid, so I had a lot of fun. Sunday, we attended Cedar Ridge Community Church. That’s the church that Brian McLaren founded. It was a good service. Later that day, I drove to Springfield, VA and spent the night with a nephew and his wife. It was good seeing them again.

On Monday, I went and saw the new building that had replaced my old high school. I didn’t like the building, but their football stadium and track stadium are very nice. Then I went and visited my parent’s grave. There were more tears, as there will always be at certain times. I drove home and got in at 10:00 PM, tired and feeling blessed that I was able to make this trip.

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