It’s almost officially fall here in the sunny South. The weather has been fall like, with highs in the 70s, and lows in the 50s.

There’s some good thoughts floating around in cyberspace. Here’s a sampling:

When celebrities get involved in politics.

imonk reveals the “real” prosperity gospel.

I may use this when I travel next month. (HT: Scot McKnight)

John Armstrong talks politics.

Brant Hansen has good posts here and here.

Jeff McQ reflects on the journey.

“I won’t sin”

Brother Maynard wonders who Jesus would torture.

The most awesomest muppets. (HT: Brother Maynard)

I’ll have to give in and mow the yard tomorrow. At least the gas prices are about 40 cents cheaper than they were last weekend. Have a good one.

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