It’s the Friday before Father’s Day. On Sunday, the family and I are driving down to Miami, where we’ll depart on Monday on a cruise in the Caribbean. I get to spend the entire week of Father’s Day with my wife and children. It’s a rare treat.

Check these posts out:

Ed Stetzer has some questions for McChurch.

Jared Wilson has some concerns about leadership.

Next Reformation blogs about purpose and people.

Jonathan Brink wonders about sovereignty and love.

Jeff McQ thinks about mistaken identity. Part 1 and Part 2.

Brant Hansen wonders how the rapture would affect the election.

John Armstrong wonders if God is Green.

Ever wonder why the chicken crossed the road? Some answers here.

The Gospel Driven Blog has an urgent request.

Molly is stumbling. Don’t worry, it’s a good thing.

A Hopeful Heretic is being bent.

Have a great Father’s Day! I am grateful for the privilege of being a father of two wonderful adults. Josh and Jennie, I am proud of you and I love you.

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