I wish they’d send our students home at noon after they finish their tests. It’s been one of those weeks. On a lighter note, I’m reading All Things Bright and Beautiful by James Herriot. I’d heard that it was good, but had never read it before. It has a lot of really great stories in it.

Now, on to what you all are really waiting for: 🙂

Barb had a funny story for Mother’s Day.

The Watchman asks some revolutionary questions.

Molly writes about the Truth that frees us.

Jake wonders about the future of denominations.

Dan Edelen takes on the Evangelical Manifesto.

Annedroid is clowning around.

imonk has some more Jesus shaped questions at this link and that link.

Jeff McQ challenges us.

jonathanbrink asks what kind of people our churches are producing.

NextReformation is all about confession.

Robbymac writes about ink blots.

Todd Hiestand asks, “Economic Stimulus or Missional Stimulus?

John Armstrong gets ecumenical.

Have a great weekend.

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