Weekend Wanderings

Sorry the posting has been spotty lately. There’s a lot going on in our little corner of the world and blogging has had to slide down the priority pole. I am planning to write a post on some of what is part of our lives right now.

In the meantime, here are some links:

A Bible for everyone.
Family-friendly = Christian?
Is it really about the bucket list?
Kierkegaard and the offense of Christianity.
Pam Hogeweide on golden handcuffs.

Self righteousness.
A different perspective on Donald Trump.
Dialing up a random Swede.
Getting better.
I don’t know. This seems like a poor substitute.

Classic imonk post.
Pascal’s other wagers.
Good article on being hated.
Putting cats to work.
How many of these are you guilty of?

Messy saints.
Good post from Keith Giles.
Good words from Bob Edwards.
Pogo, the Pilgrims, and us.
Scot McKnight on Kingdom and leadership.

Have a blessed week!

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