Weekend Wanderings

Well, the 2016 snowstorm has passed through our area and left mostly ice with a dusting of snow on top. It made for some interesting driving conditions yesterday, but nothing as bad as the folks north of us. I pray that those folks are okay and that conditions get back to normal soon. Folks around here are getting ready for hosting the NFC championship game tomorrow. It’s the first time our area has hosted, so it’s kind of a big deal. Hopefully we’ll show the visitors from Arizona some Southern hospitality. Up until game time that is.

Anyway, here are the links of the week:

Here is a timely poem.
Things are changing in the basketball world.
Sean Palmer on worship.
Three lessons.
A good word.

Not an option.
Faithful presence.
One more reason to drop the landline.
This looks like a good thing.
The return of the used bookstore.

This is good.
This is pretty amazing!
Art’s power to spark change.
Good article by Alex Early.

Grief police.
Evidently, we should try to avoid heavier waiters.
If it’s not Jesus, it’s…
Daniel Emery Price is done.
Don’t be desperate.

Stay warm and have a blessed week!

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