Weekend Wanderings

It’s time for this year’s first installment of everyone’s favorite weekend links post! If you buy the second part of that sentence, I have a bridge I can sell you. It has started to get a bit chilly here in the sunny South. Depending on who is doing the forecasting, it’s either going to be colder and wetter or colder and dryer this winter.

On to the links:

What not to do at a restaurant.
Chaplain Mike on cutting edge ministry.
Daniel Wells has some thoughts on Star Wars.
Keepable (is that a word?) New Year’s resolutions.

10 best food cities in America.
Problem on college campuses.
God’s will for your life.

Another take on resolutions.
Best religious architecture for 2015.
Encouraging post.
Challenging post.
Shakespeare death chart.

Justice vs. mercy on the frontier.
God has no potential.
Seeing the bigger picture.
Good post from John Frye.
Good post from Mike Erich.

Have a blessed week!

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