Weekend Wanderings

As you can tell, this month has been a busy one, so I haven’t had the chance to do much wanderings through the interwebs. I don’t know if it’s going to get a whole lot slower heading in to Fall, but I have some time this weekend to wander a bit, so here is some of the best out there.

Early Yelp reviews.
So, evidently there is a new shape.
Finally, realistic self-help books.
An excellent, must-read article.
Another good post.

This must have taken a while to put together.
This is interesting.
In case you you are something other than a “helicopter parent.”
Good post from Bob Edwards.
So much work.

Prosperity without happiness.
Steve Brown on grace.
Confession of a prodigal.
Good post from Jake Luhrs.
The wheel of justice.

Alan Bevere on evangelism.
Karl Vaters asks a good question.
A review of Rumors of Rain. Looks good.
Joe Puentes on eating.

Have a blessed week!

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