Weekend Wanderings

Well the last tropical storm to appear in the Atlantic didn’t turn out to be anything to write home about. I kind of figured that, with a name like Fred, it would be a force to be reckoned with. Oh well. Not every thing or every one can live up to the name. Refugees continue to pour into Europe, trying to escape the horrors in the Middle East. The picture of the little boy on the beach was heartbreaking. Hopefully it will spur some action on behalf of the refugees and people will look beyond themselves and their biases.

On to the links:

Taking marriage seriously.
Great story.
Let’s hear it for Iceland!
Good article from Jonathan Merritt.

Just follow.
Steve Brown on fear.
Peter Leithart on evangelical films.
A story from Daniel Emery Price.
The science of forgiveness.


Terry Pratchett quotes.
The Walmart stores’ issues convinced me.
I guess getting everything you want isn’t all it’s cracked up to be.
Good post from Mike Erich.

Sacred tears.

Keith Giles on immigration.
Good post from John Frye.
Chaplain Mike on good works.
The Streak.

Have a blessed week!

One Reply to “Weekend Wanderings”

  1. Thanks for the link Fred. Glad the storm did not hit you hard.

    And I must say, Fred is my second favorite name. And let me assure you, that being my middle name has no bearing on my affection for the name. ツ

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