Weekend Wanderings

This week, a large load was removed from my life as we closed on my father-in-law’s house. While he is still alive in an assisted living facility, not having to be concerned with the house is a big relief. Now, all I have to do is find a job. Piece of cake, right? Elsewhere, the 10th anniversary of hurricane Katrina happened. It seems that, while a large part of the city of New Orleans has recovered, there is still a bit of that city, and other areas, that have not. Another storm is heading for Florida, after causing damage and loss of life in the Caribbean. With just a little over a month left in the hurricane season, I wonder how many storms we’ll end up with.

Anyway, here are the links for the week:

Cell phone rules.
Blizzard baby boom.
This could be a problem.
This is interesting.
So, the Bible is Donald Trump’s favorite book?

When potato salad is outlawed, only outlaws will have potato salad.
A man just can’t get away these days!
A parable from Keith Giles.
Steve Brown on love.
Thought provoking post from Zach Hoag.

Don’t be boring.
Moving on.
Are you having a moment?
Where the wild things are.
Random thoughts of foodie cookie monster.

Can the way you eat pizza show your personality?
Good post from Sarah Condon.
Wisdom and “God-talk.”
Good post from Daniel Jepsen.
Since I’m currently unemployed, maybe I should try this.

Have a blessed week!

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