Weekend Wanderings

Happy first weekend of August! The summer break is winding down for students and teachers, and the long break called the school year is gearing up for the parents. It is still warm here in the sunny South, and we may break the record for most days with temps in the 90s. Baseball is heading toward the postseason and football is getting ready for the start of the season. I believe we went a whole week without another candidate entering the presidential race that’s over an year away. Amazing.

On to the good stuff:

Abandoned, yet sacred.
Letting go of our baggage.
Learning social skills starts early.
Re-directed art.
That’s one mean turkey!

I don’t think this qualifies as “heritage.”
The list.
Good news, not good advice.
A to-do list.

Good question from John Frye.
Damaris Zehner on rights.
Curve balls.
Kingdom at the table.

Dan Edelen on plans.
Two robberies, two responses.
Good post from Keith Giles.

Have a blessed week!

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