Weekend Wanderings

It’s a beautiful weekend here in the sunny South. After a couple days with temps near triple digits, it is a bit cooler. The race for president is heating up and looks like it’s going to be quite the circus. That’s my political statement for the week.

On to the good stuff:

Body by God.
Good post from Jared Wilson.
This is interesting.
Damaris Zehner shares a poem.
Good post from Mike Erich.

“A cohort of wonder.”
A letter from Matt Appling.
Four things we can learn from heartbreak.

Radical freedom.
This is an excellent post.
I know a couple of folks who would like this.
John Henryism.
Is Harper Lee a prophet?

Good article for church leaders.
I bet there are a few folks who are nervous about this.
You think you dread going to the dentist?
We should all see our marriage vows this way.
Chaplain Mike on Kansas and Oz.

Have a blessed week!

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