Weekend Wanderings

They say that April showers bring May flowers. If that is true, this little corner of the world is going to be covered with blooms next month! It’s playoff time in the NBA, so I’m trying to watch a few games. I enjoy pro basketball much more diurimg the playoffs. Pray for the folks in Nepal after the devastating earthquake. It’s hard for me to imagine going through something like that.

On to the links:

Boy with a broken heart.
Good post from Zach Hunt.
5 practices from Paul Perkins.
Interview with Sandra McCracken.

Law, grace, and the phone store.
Shocking truth.
Some of us are getting close to this.
Ideas for family portraits.

Nope. Nope. Nope.
Kansas City Bob on justice.
Being countercultural.
Scot McKnight on grace.
Going to God.

Religious despair.
A letter to ISIS.
Good news indeed!
Michael Spencer on lament.
John Frye on vain repetitions.

Have a blessed week!

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