Weekend Wanderings

Everybody’s favorite blog post is back! After far too much time away, Weekend Wanderings has returned. Things have slowed down a bit here in the sunny South. Of course, that means that other changes will be coming about soon. Life just gets more and more interesting.

Oh well. On to the important stuff.

Kellie McGann confesses.
Failing well.
Bonhoeffer on the church.
Good article on the benefits of nature.
Jessica Thompson on the gospel and relationships.

Bad news for bookkeepers.
N. T. Wright on the resurrection.
John Frye on Jesus’ deepest pain.
Yeah, I’m not too sure about this.
Zach Hunt on the church’s witness.

Frank Viola interviews Brant Hansen.
Scot McKnight has a test question for your church.
A lesson from Andy Gill.
No. Just, no.
Good question.

The 100 best children’s books.
Alan Bevere says, “You can’t make me!”
From ritual to relationship.
Good article from Chad Bird.
Andy Zehner on communitarianism.

That’s all for now. I hope your week is a blessed one!

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