Weekend Wanderings

It has turned chilly here in the sunny South. The mountain areas are getting some snow, while we are getting cold rain here in the lower elevations. High school football is nearing the end of the regular season, and basketball practice begins next week. I am not coaching this year, and will probably miss it.

On to the good stuff:

Very wise words from Bob Hyatt. Hopefully they’ll be heeded.
Halloween rant.
Maybe we should slow down.
Good article.
Super heroes in San Diego.

AM or FM?
Are you a love hypocrite?
A scary truth.
Good article from Lucy Greenberg.
True love.

Location, location, location.
Eugene Peterson on being a real pastor.
Jessica Thompson on Halloween.
This is a good thing.
Good question.

Is it love?
Keith Giles says we are already equipped.
Something to think about.
This is a touching story.
Good post. Good for the men too.

Don’t forget to set your clocks back. Have a blessed week!

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