Weekend Wanderings

I finally was able to mow the yard this week, after four weeks of not having a mower coupled with a lot of rain. Needless to say the grass was pretty high. It finally feels like spring here in the sunny South, considering it is the end of April. I don’t know about your week, but mine seemed like it was one or two days shorter. The days flew by.

Anyway, here are the links:

Karl Vaters answers a question.
Honest words from Brennan Manning.
Chaplain Mike on being friends.

David Brooks on social wealth.
This is disturbing.
Cool pictures.
Continued good news.
Another good one from Karl Vaters.

Good article from Nick Lannon.
Soft, not hard.
Good post from Fred Smith.
Good reminder.
No, I don’t think so.

Failure to launch really is a thing.
This is a good story.
Throwing something out.
Turns out the prediction was wrong.
Interesting post from Bob Edwards.

Have a blessed week!

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