Weekend Wanderings

The weekend links are back! Things have slowed down a bit here in the sunny South, although there is still much to be done. School has resumed, football games are being played, and the smell of fall is in the air. Or, maybe that’s air conditioners overheating due to the current heat wave. Evidently, the United States may send troops in to Syria to fight ISIS. I hope it doesn’t come to that. Pray for the Christians and others in that part of the world who are being persecuted and killed for the crime of being unlike the terrorists.

Here are the links:

 The vow.
Chaplain Mike reviews Our Great Big American God.
Kansas Bob’s favorites. What are yours?
Christology of Slow Church.
Things are heating up in Seattle.

Eric Carpenter on seven marks of a New Testament church.
Good post from Elyse Fitzpatrick.
Liberating impossibility.
Jesus, birds, and flowers.

Matt Appling on the Bubble.
A worthy investment of $5?
Ten quotes from Keith Giles.
A pastoral approach to depression.
Healing shame.

Arthur Sido on living by the sword.
State fair food.
What if Paul wrote a church planting book? 
Jesus never ends.

Have a blessed week!

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