Weekend Wanderings

School begins this week. The teachers went back last Wednesday, and the students come in this coming Wednesday. I think I’m ready. For some reason the weather around here thinks that it’s October rather than August. It’s been in the 50s at night and 60s and 70s during the day. I’m not complaining, although I am wondering if we’re still to see near 100 degree temps toward the end of the month.

Here is a taste of the good stuff on the web:

Brant Hansen writes about the cost of children.
Mike Erich has a proverb.
Scot McKnight has some cool food hacks.
Challenging words from Jon Acuff.

The pursuit of enough.
Your life.
Grow up!
Slow church.

I think I’ll pass on this.
Chaplain Mike on satisfaction.
Elizabeth Marshall is taking the circuitous route.
M. Morford on value.
This is certainly different.

Losing the war.
Alan Knox has a series on 2 Timothy 2:15. Part 1 is here.
Best definition of freedom.
Andy Stager has more good advice.
And lastly but not leastly, my friend Audrey has started a new blog. It’s called Rubies and Remnants. You should check it out, especially if you’re into jewelry and vintage stuff. Or even if you’re not.

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