Weekend Wanderings

After a great weekend remembering Jesus’ death and celebrating the resurrection, Jan and I traveled to Savannah, Georgia for a few days. We had a nice time walking all over the historic district, and enjoyed some beautiful weather. Spring has finally arrived here in the sunny South. Of course, that also means pollen and yard work. The college basketball season comes to a close Monday, and those of us who are fans will have a void that won’t be filled until October.

Here are the links:

We were a part of this.
The challenge of Pope Francis.
The beauty of the earth (HT: Jake Belder).

I’m not sure this would be a good idea.
Good post from Lisa Dye.
Good post on fellowship.
Wayward Son on desire.
A poem from Keith Giles.

Militant humility.
Jesus is not risen.
Denying the Resurrection.

Ruth Wilson was found in the mess.
Zack Hunt is frustrated.
Chaplain Mike begins a series on Easter.
Kathleen on division and true religion (HT: Alan Knox).
The second turning.

I hope spring has arrived in your part of the world. Have a blessed week!

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