Weekend Wanderings

Happy St. Patrick’s Day! It’s beginning to look like Spring here in the sunny South. The days are getting warmer and the sun is staying up longer. It took a week, but I finally recovered from losing an hours sleep when we moved the clocks ahead. A new pope has been chosen and the world waits to see what his time in office will be like. March craziness (I don’t want the NCAA to think I’m violating their trademark or anything) has begun, and those of us who are fans of college basketball are looking forward to the next few weeks.

Here are the links:

Something good to consider.
Rebirth poem.
One hundred things.
St. Patrick.
Commentary by Jesus.

A good reminder from Mike Erich.
A short history of St. Patrick’s day from J. R. Miller.
Alan Knox imagines.
Zack Hunt on being fundamentalist in Alaska. Part 1.
John Frye has some suspicions.

Enough punishment.
The 1 command.
The woman at the Circle K.
New ministry dictionary.

Have a blessed week!

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