Weekend Wanderings

Winter is hanging on here in the sunny South. We even had snow yesterday. Actually, it snows more in March around here than it it does during the other months. Does it seem like there are more winter storms now that they are named? I think we’re up to S or T. I don’t know.

Here are the links of the week:

Frank Viola asks a good question.
Being there.
Neal Paradise on spiritual gifts.

Bill Kinnon on discipleship.
Lessons in faith.
Arthur Sido on an issue.

Matt Appling on equality.
Church models and methods.
Zack Hunt on the cross and evangelical Christianity.
12 resources for Christian generosity.

Keith Giles is annoyed.
How have you changed?
Another reason why March is one of the best months.
Talk like a human being.

This does not surprise me at all.
John Frye on the dark night of the soul.

I hope you have a wonderful week!

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