Weelend Wanderings

The first weekend links post of autumn is here! The weather is beautiful here in the sunny South. It was fifty degrees on our back porch this morning. There is a lot going on in the world these days, from the inconsequential things that get lots of attention to the important things that seem to not get a whole lot. I wonder about our priorities sometimes. Well, in the scheme of things, it’s probably one of those inconsequential things, but here are the links:

Nietzsche’s google search history.
Images from Cassini’s mission to Saturn.
More excellent photos.
Good article from Benjamin L. Corey.
Jeffrey K. Mann on privilege.

Good post from Bob Edwards.
Erika Christakis on public schools.
Good question.
The cost of the opioid epidemic.

Is it really work?
Good post from Kathy Strauch.
Carina Chocano on distraction.
Technology and perception.

What do we worship on Sunday?
The Jesus shaped life.
What to look for in a mentor.

Have a blessed week!

One Reply to “Weelend Wanderings”

  1. There is a lot going on these days Fred. Weather ain't bad here yet. Around 50 today but it will be close to 80 later this week. Hoping for a mild winter. ツ

    PS: Thanks for the link love!

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