Weekend Wanderings

I’m back from my trip to California to meet our newest grandson. Jan is staying until a week from today. The Friday before we left, we were able to see our son, his wife, and our first grandson for a couple of ours. So, it was a good week and a half. This week, it was a bit hard getting back into some sort of routine, especially since I am working more hours now. It’s beautiful here in the sunny South, with what seems like a touch of fall in the air. I’m sure summer is not finished with us yet, but I’m looking forward to cooler weather.

On to the links:

Did any of you see any of this during the eclipse?
I’ve heard that a fruitcake can last forever.
People are tearing down all kinds of statues these days.
Looks like a good time was had by all.
Inspirational posters. Or not.

Eclipse myths.
Skinny jeans.
Smartphone problems.
Have you been tricked?
Arms race.

Eclipse theories.
Salvation insurance.
Yeah, sometimes we do.
Seems the Babylonians knew their math.

The ghost in the machine.
Good post from Chaplain Mike.
Pharisee spotting.

Have a blessed week!

One Reply to “Weekend Wanderings”

  1. Something sweet about getting back into our daily routines Fred. Blessings to you as you adjust to yours. And thanks for the link love! Religious reputations can be a bit troublesome. ツ

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